My Preferred Distributors

My Preferred Distributors is a FindChips feature that allows you to select which distributors you would like to see at the top of your search results.

You can choose distributors under the Personal Settings in your Preferences and clicking the Choose your Distributors button in your My Preferred Distributors. This page can be accessed by hovering over Your Account in the top navigation bar and clicking on Preferences.

You can also choose them by clicking the preferred distributors for this list button on your List Preferences.  This is available within your list by clicking on List Settings and navigating to the List Preferences tab.

Clicking on one of these links will open a pop-up window with several checkbox items for each distributor. You can choose your preferred distributors one-by-one by clicking on the respective distributor checkbox. You can also select or deselect all checkboxes within a specific category by using the Select all and/or Deselect all links beside the category name.


Once you have selected your preferred distributors, click on the Save button at the bottom of the interface to apply your changes.

Your selected distributors will now display in your My Preferred Distributors anchor category. Click on these anchors to quickly jump to the distributor you would like to see. When you perform a FindChips search, the search results will then display your selected, preferred distributors at the top of your search results as part of the My Preferred Distributors section. All remaining distributors that were not selected will display in the All Other Distributors section.

If you would prefer not to use this feature at all, deselect all distributors and click on the Save button. This will remove any anchors from your My Preferred Distributor anchor category and your search results will display in one unlabeled category.

Note: Distributor settings for an individual List will override these preferences.


Search Filters

Check the box next to In-Stock to limit your search to items that have a stock quantity of one or more. When you check this option, your settings will be saved and applied on any computer that you use to log into FindChips.

Check the box next to Exact Matches to limit your search to items that are an exact match of the part number you entered. For example, if you are searching for part "BAV99", a "BAV99" specific part number will display in your search results, while a "BAV99-TP" part will not display. When you check this option, your settings will be saved and applied to all search, regardless of what computer you're using.



By default, your search results display the part prices in the currency that specified by each distributor. For example, under the "default" setting, one distributor may set their default pricing to display in US dollars, while another sets their default pricing to display in British Pounds. Both currencies will display simultaneously on the same search.

When used, the currency estimator will calculate your part costs into the form of currency you select from the "Currency Estimator" dropdown menu. This will apply to all search results returned.